


A moisturizing, pigmented liquid lipstick that has 12 hours of staying power. This lipstick is YOUR DREAM BFF- it’s totally got your back! Not only is it power-packed with Vitamin E for hydration, it just WON’T leave you till you’re ready to say goodbye!
A very dear friend of mine and an our business development consultant for Natasha moor cosmetics is this gorgeous blonde woman with sharp blue eyes. She represents several brands and uses everything but the day I realized she genuinely loved our products was when she chose to use this shade in her bio picture for the world to see. Now that’s an incredible feeling, the EXPERT in the beauty industry, chose our brand out of the 100s that she works with.
This shade is the love child of hustler and dreamer combined, I am constantly mixing shades together to create different looks and fell in love with this one and called it bulletproof. It’s now my everyday shade- definitely my favorite, must have- can’t live without color. whenever I wear this shade, I feel confident, it’s the perfect shade to achieve fuller looking lips, with such a natural touch to it. This shade hooks people on to my molten mattes, especially when they’ve never used liquid mattes before. which brings me to this next story - I was on a flight (do all my stories really begin like this?) and the lady that was sitting next to me looked like she was extremely stressed out. She kept turning around and looking. it was a very FULL, packed with loud children, SMALL, domestic flight. I turned to her and said “is everything okay” she told me that she had 5 of her kids with her on the flight but they were all separated in different seats- 3 of them were under 6 years old and it was their first time flying. such a wonderfully caring and loving mother and I couldn’t even imagine how stressful that must be- 5 KIDS, all on different seats! They were on the way from LA to Miami to celebrate a big family gathering. she said something that struck me. “I used to love flying before, but now, I feel so scared to fly because I have so many people to live for and so many kids to care about, so I get a little worried when I fly” The only thing I could think of doing was applauding her by giving her a lipstick to show how amazing and inspired I was by her. The new piece I had in my handbag was “bulletproof” HOW FITTING! I explained what my brand was all about and how I started. She tried this shade on immediately and LOVED IT! The look of joy on her face and the sudden calm feeling she got was so wonderful to see, she was so excited to use this for the big celebrations in Miami.
CEO is one of those colors when anyone tries it, they fall in LOVE. it’s the perfect pretty pink shade that gives everyone a soft, girly touch- sometimes we don’t realize how empowering a shade like that can actually be. It’s such a perfect color to wear on a date, in the office, at a conference -it really does make a gorgeous, subtle statement. CEO is always a shade that I carry extra pieces in my suitcase because I KNOW people will go crazy for it. I know it’s a color that sells out fast. This magical shade brings so much happiness to everyone that’s used it- put it this way- I can’t remember one time when someone used it and didn’t fall in love with how pretty the color made them look and feel.
I have several memories of this shade- firstly it’s one of the sexiest red colors out there, whenever someone has tried this shade on, their reaction has always been WOW, how sexy is this!! There’s something about the depth of this red that intensifies your look but keeps it so elegant at the same time. When i think of my favourite moment with this shade one of the first thing’s that comes to mind was my gorgeous client Rachel Nathani who wore a beautiful deep blue Gaurav Gupta gown for her welcome dinner in Florence, Italy. I remember as soon as we applied this deep red- everyone just stopped and stared- we were in awe of her beauty. I remember the way she said she felt with this lip colour- that confidence gave me so much joy.
When I was in LA visiting some women’s shelters and doing mini makeovers on them so they feel more confident and beautiful about themselves (with what they’ve been through, they have the lowest self-esteem as you can imagine and don’t remember what it feels like to say wow I feel beautiful) my goal with these visits were merely to put a smile on their faces. Hustler was one of the shades I remember so clearly, this was when I went to Compton to visit a drug and rehabilitation center, as nervous as I was to face these women ( I was scared they’d judge my appearance and think I was too ‘dolled up’) surely enough, I was right… as soon as I entered I got a few stares, some really intimidating ones but I just brushed It off and continued what I was doing… when I explained what I was doing and whipped out some lipsticks to give them after I did their mini makeovers- hustler was one of the ones that stood out. Particularly for its name, all of them wanted it. “IM A HUSTLER, I GOT THIS, I WANT THIS ONE” I remember one of the girls applied it on her lips and looked in the mirror and said “Daaaamn, now that’s a Hustler” that felt GOOD for me.
I was in London shopping at one of the stores on Regent’s Street and as I was in the line to pay for my items, the lady at the cashier was in such a bad mood, she looked angry but almost like she had the worst day of her life… she then got a phone call just as I reached the counter and told me to wait. I overheard her conversation and it went something like “please I need this day off it’s a very big day for me, why can’t you understand…” so I figured she was on the phone to a difficult boss and she was really upset, almost in tears and I could feel her holding it back to keep a little bit of professionalism. She looked at me and apologized and processed my items. Before leaving I looked at her and said, I’m really sorry I overheard your conversation and I know this can’t help but I hope this makes you have a better day, this shade will look lovely on you and I hope it gives you the inspiration and happiness you need right now. it just so happened that the color was Drive, and I hoped that it reminded her that even in difficult times her hard work and drive will pay off eventually. Wonder if she’ll ever read this one day!
I remember the day I made this shade in the factory, I was in LOVE. To me, it was the perfect browny pink that I'd been looking for. I remember how I felt the day I put this on as a sample. This was the first shade I ever tried and I knew I was in love with everything- the formula, the packaging and the final colors. this is definitely one of my go-to shades, i wear it in the day and evening!! it makes me feel so confident and the only annoying thing about it is that if it’s in my purse on a night out, I will definitely come home without it because someone will comment about how much they love it and i’ll end up giving it to them.
One of my dear friends- a supermodel/actress, Ankie Beilke, was at a photoshoot and told me that she was in love with this color. A color I would never expect her to love but when the the greyish lavender tones hit her lips, she looked INCREDIBLE. The hazel tones in her eyes popped and her look went from feminine and chic to edgy boss babe instantly. This shade is just MADE for her, she’s not only extremely talented - shes also the most loving and kind mother, friend, wife - she does it all with a smile and so much HEART.
When I created Game Changer, I just knew it was going to be the shade that my best friend in the whole wide world, Priti, would absolutely adore. We were in highschool together, in university together and we lived together- we have both been through so much. She truly is my biggest empowerment factor, my go-to, the first person I run to when I need to share good news, vent, cry, yell- she’s the sister i was always meant to be given. She now runs her own beautiful fashion jewellery business- The Jewel Factor and let me just say… she is A TOTAL GAME CHANGER.
When I was in LA visiting some women’s shelters and doing mini makeovers on them so they feel more confident and beautiful about themselves (with what they’ve been through, they have the lowest self-esteem as you can imagine and don’t remember what it feels like to say wow I feel beautiful) my goal with these visits were merely to put a smile on their faces. Hustler was one of the shades I remember so clearly, this was when I went to Compton to visit a drug and rehabilitation center, as nervous as I was to face these women ( I was scared they’d judge my appearance and think I was too ‘dolled up’) surely enough, I was right… as soon as I entered I got a few stares, some really intimidating ones but I just brushed It off and continued what I was doing… when I explained what I was doing and whipped out some lipsticks to give them after I did their mini makeovers- hustler was one of the ones that stood out. Particularly for its name, all of them wanted it. “IM A HUSTLER, I GOT THIS, I WANT THIS ONE” I remember one of the girls applied it on her lips and looked in the mirror and said “Daaaamn, now that’s a Hustler” that felt GOOD for me.
One of the orphanages I work at- I gave this shade to all the female staff to say thank you for being a true queen, for being someone that gives up their life to help others, and for doing such a good job raising 100+ children. The reaction from them was incredible and was something that I can never forget. It truly touched my heart.
This shade was MADE for one of my very talented friend’s - a triple threat; model, actress and singer Bianca Stam. Not only is this her go to colour that she’s obsessed with (it’s the perfect neutral color for her and looks AMAZING!!!!) She is the epitome of SELF MADE- an inspiration- a total go getter and her own boss- at such a young age she worked so hard to build a career and was one of the first people i know to invest in several business and properties of her own. she is GOALS and i’m always so impressed and in awe of her hustle. Her positive mindset and willpower is incredible that nothing reminds me more of this shade than her. She truly is Self Made.
I have a habit of giving out lipsticks when I’m out, whether it’s at the airport, a bar/club, restaurant, hotel, you name it - if the service is good, they’re getting a lipstick! (I always carry one around) I gave this shade to a cleaner at one of the clubs I go to when I’m back home and she was so excited to use it, every time I go back, I see that she’s using serendipity and that makes me SO happy.
Soul is another nude that’s just so gorgeous and classic, I’ve used this on a couple of brides but there was one bride in particular that had a beautiful 5 day wedding (Indian weddings can be so intense) but she loved this shade so much she wanted to wear it for almost every function- I think we used it on her for 5/10 of her events and changed up her hair and eyes dramatically JUST so she could use this shade and have no one notice how many times it was on her.
I was travelling from las Palmas to London but with a stopover in Madrid. My flight from Las Palmas to Madrid was delayed which made me (and 100’s of other angry passengers) miss our flight. We had to go to the counter to see when was the next flight for us to be rebooked on. While I was waiting in line there was only one counter open with a huge line of people. Of course, I was upset just like everyone else, but I also decided to calm myself down and just observe. I also told myself to be grateful that I didn’t have a meeting or client that day and It was okay for me THIS time. After 45 mins of waiting in line (I was 4th in line and it STILL took that long) I reached the counter and greeted the lady. She was in her late 60’s and I just felt so bad for the way people were shouting at her… it wasn’t her fault, there was nothing she could do and she just had to sit there and listen to people shout at the top of their lungs for the airline’s disorganization. I felt so bad I started by saying I’m sorry that everyone is shouting- thank you for doing what you’re doing, pls put me on whatever flight you find, don’t worry about anything and gave her STORM. She looked like the kind of lady that would enjoy a nice pop of color.
When one of my closest friends in the world put this on and I saw how incredible she looked, the feeling I had was just bliss! It’s such a sharp, bright color it was her birthday, she walked in rocking UNSTOPPABLE and everyone asked her what her lipstick was. Soon everyone else in the party was rocking the same shade, it looked incredible but felt even more amazing to see so many people fall in love with such a bold, feminine yet powerful color.
I remember hosting an Instagram competition for fans to get involved and come up with some names for a few new shades of lipsticks I was launching, one of them was Vivacious. This hot pink with a tint of orange was such a hit amongst so many people that we had several entries for this one. I was meeting one of my dear friends, an ex-bride as well as a childhood friend (my first bride from Indonesia- Jaanam) she has always been the most
genuine and supportive people in my life and was a hardcore lipstick addict since we were young. She was one of the first people to support my brand by buying almost the whole collection, vivacious was a shade that was perfect for her. She loved a pink like this, so when we sat down, I showed her the sample shade and she helped me choose a winner for the competition. When she swiped that lipstick on I knew that it was going to be a hit. It looked so gorgeous on her!
I have to say this shade is my second go to- I have too many good memories with this color - this shade is one of those that I KNOW will look good on everyone. So far, everyone that has tried this has loved the way it looks on them. It’s an interesting color- it’s got hints of a burnt orange, brown, coral, red, pink - it’s one I’ve been unable to describe properly… its self-explanatory. As soon as it’s applied on, you feel like a total winner.
I dedicate this shade to myself. Why? Not just because I’m obsessed with the color of course (I wear it every day) but because of the meaning. Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants. I have always been authentically me. Yes, there have been times where I have felt I can’t quite be so open because “what will people think”, but in the end I have ALWAYS followed my heart and gut no matter what obstacles have come my way- I have done what I believed was truly best for me with not a care in the world about what people may think. Being the stubborn little girl that I always was - it may have been looked at as a negative personality trait, but now I look at it with so much pride. I have always known what I want and I have always fought to get it. Freedom to me is about being authentically yourself, its about not worrying about what others may see or think and its truly about loving the person that you are. I am still working on self-love, working on being confident and comfortable with how smart I am, how I look, how I sound, how I come across. but if there’s anything in this world that I’m confident about. I can wholeheartedly say that I am confident that I don’t have any bad intentions for anyone in this world. I only want to see those around me succeed and happy… for that - I am free, I am me.
The story of Gratitude has to be one of my favorites! One of my dear friends Raven Tao, not just because she is someone, I’m so grateful to have in my life - someone that’s seen the worst in me, someone that’s been there at my happiest and at my lowest, I truly am so grateful for her presence… gratitude was actually made FOR Raven! She was obsessed with the shade “intuition” and kept asking for a similar shade in a molten matte version - for two years id get messages from her begging for a shade like that to be created- when covid hit and I found myself battling so many insecurities and PTSD from my personal battles- SHE was one of the first people to be there for me with no questions asked.
How do you re pay a friend that loves you with so much of her heart? Create her DREAM lip shade that she can wear UNDER her mask during Covid. I remember giving her my first sample piece that she scraped till the last drop. I am so grateful for so many things, but genuine friendships like this, deserve to be credited and remembered for a lifetime.
Survivor is dedicated to one of my closest friends; an actress, mom and a cancer survivor- Lisa Ray. I created a mix of two shades specially for Lisa’s character for a Bollywood film she did, it was a beautiful deep wine shade and I remember telling her that one day I will launch a shade called survivor for her. When I decided to create survivor, I reworked the shade as I felt like I wanted it to be more about Lisa and less about the character she played. When Lisa walks into a room, her aura shines right through- her beauty is so effortless and so magical that it just captivates you. Her smile is so warm you will feel the love even through a video call. That’s what Lisa does to you. She’s an incredible mentor, sister, supporter and dear friend that will always have a huge space in my heart. Survivor was created to be THE red that is so subtle, yet makes a statement- effortlessly chic, just like her. Brave, powerful, strong, kind, beautiful. THAT’S my Lisa!
Soar is dedicated to a friend of mine with her own business in the same name, Shanti Mirpuri started working with Natasha Moor Cosmetics as our PR agency from when she first started her company- we were one of her first few clients. When I was creating this shade, I was working day in and out with her that I saw how she really embodied the word through her work and it inspired me to name this shade with her and all the other business women and men soaring to greater heights to achieve their dreams.
I wanted to create a beautiful soft shade that could be used every day to work as an affirmation to remind you that you have the power to control your mind, your thoughts and your actions. Having strong willpower means you have determination, discipline, force, drive and strength. I learned a lot of this from 2 women- my spiritual healer Sonal Karamchandani and health coach Mayuri Punjabi. Two incredible women have made such a huge impact on my life (and so many others) while Sonal has always taught me the power of manifestation, the power of believing the beauty of your dreams and the power of visualizing… Mayuri has always taught me about how strong our mind truly is and how I can control my hunger through fasting and mindful eating. Being able to learn about my mind, body and soul from these two women have really inspired me to be the woman I am today. I want this shade to be worn as a reminder of how powerful you truly are, and how you can achieve anything you put your mind to.
Our professional-grade, ethical products are meticulously crafted to embrace all skin types and tones.
We ensure sustainable beauty through recyclable packaging, cruelty-free formulas, ethically sourced ingredients, and green manufacturing practices.
Completely vegan, our cosmetics contain no animal-derived ingredients, ensuring ethical beauty choices. Embrace cruelty-free beauty.
Free from harmful chemicals, our products prioritize your health, offering safe, gentle, and effective beauty solutions you can trust.
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- Natasha Moor
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