







Ethics Policy

Message from the Chief of Vision (CoV)/CEO

At Natasha Moor Cosmetics (NMC) we believe that cosmetics is a universal message that provides confidence, self-love and happiness.  We continuously strive to produce quality products that will ignite inner power to complement external beauty.  While we place the transformative power of makeup in our customers hands; we remain constant is our unwavering commitment to integrity, governance and compliance.   In everything we do, we strive to set an exemplary standard of behavior.

Our continued success is dependent on relationships of trust that is forged on a foundation of integrity. This core value is expressed by a fundamental expectation of all employees of NMC and Partners to maintain the highest standards of ethical behavior. In all dealings, our Firm is committed to doing the right thing. 

While conducting business with or on behalf of our company; NMC expects all Partners to be familiar with this Code of Conduct and to conduct all business activities in full compliance with the applicable laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which they operate.

Join me in embracing these principles and making them fundamental to our company culture and business practices to improve upon ethical, environment and social standards.

We sincerely value our partnership and we look forward to working with you in pursuit of our common goals.

Do the right thing,

Natasha Moor




NMC expects its Partners to establish policies and procedures to ensure that its employees, subcontractors comply with this Code of Conduct. 

Our Partners are expected to self-monitor.  NMC may also audit Partners and inspect  their operations to evaluate adherence. If any behavior is unlawful or inconsistent with the  Code of Conduct is uncovered, NMC will require the Partner to take immediate corrective action. If the Partner fails to take corrective action, or if the inconsistent behavior is unable to be corrected, NMC will have to terminate the partnership.

We have developed this comprehensive list of Business Practices as a source of guidance, to explain our commitments and to outline our standards for ethical and transparent conduct for all our stakeholders, including our customers, business partners and the public.

While NMC cannot cover every situation or challenge that we might encounter, we hope that the principles explained here will provide you with the guidance to make an informed decision in circumstances requiring ethical judgement.


Business Practices
  • Maintain professional standards throughout all business dealings.
  • Report questionable behavior, actual or potential noncompliance with local laws and regulations and/or a possible violation of this Code of Conduct to
  • Maintain confidentiality of data, recordkeeping and intellectual property.
  • NMC has zero tolerance to business courtesies such as gifts, kickbacks, political campaign contributions or other incentives to obtain and/or retain or win business.
  • Observe the standards of conduct set forth in the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, The Bribery Act 2010 (UK), and all other applicable local anti-corruption laws and standards.
  • Commit to protecting the privacy of personal information at all times. Personal information can include names, email addresses, employee ID and license numbers, banking information, tax information, criminal records and any other types of information that can be used to identify an individual.
  • Partners must avoid perceived and actual conflicts of interest. Partners must disclose situations where an employee or the organization may conduct business with, or may own a material financial in one of NMC’s competitors.
  • NMC depends heavily on its intellectual property. Partners must respect and protect NMC’s intellectual property. This includes (but not limited to) its formulas, trade secrets, information, processes, and technology.
  • Partners must never speak to the media or members of the press on behalf of NMC.
  • Partners must not promote any association with NMC on a website, social media, any public domain or marketing materials unless expressly authorized in writing. Only designated and approved individuals are allowed to speak on behalf of NMC.

Being socially and environmentally responsible is expected of everyone working for NMC and its partners. It means we manage our business activities responsibly, avoid negative impact on individuals, animals and the environment.  At the heart of NMC is it’s corporate social responsibility program where in every possible way we reach out to the local communities to give back and support noble and just causes.


Environmental Social Governance (ESG) & Health Safety Practices
  • Conduct employment practices in compliance with local regulations.
  • Partners must abide by: Freely chosen employment, prohibit the use of involuntary and child labour.
  • Comply with all local minimum wage laws, all local labour laws and standards regarding working hours, overtime and public holidays.
  • Provide a work environment free of discrimination and harassment based on gender, race, colour, national origin, age, religion, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or veteran status.
  • Promote a safe and healthy work environment free from inhumane treatment in accordance with all applicable local regulations.
  • Treat all employees with dignity and respect.
  • Partners must have proper health and safety management practices with all aspects of their business.







