


Ambition is the most popular shade from the silk suede collection. most people who try this on fall in love as it becomes their daily pinky/brown shade- it’s one of my favorites as well! With this shade, I saw women getting extremely ambitious about what they wanted- LITERALLY. This one was a funny story, I was doing a pop-up event and once again, with it being a popular shade, it sold out in the first hour. There was only one piece left and two- “ambitious” women that were ready to fight for this one color… I have never really seen so much aggression for one shade of lipstick. I was definitely scared at the time, but also secretly so happy.
When I first launched and I was working on a bride in a new city, I would get a line of people waiting outside my hotel room just so they can purchase my lipsticks (as flattering as that was it was pretty creepy, I know!! I had to put my room on incognito so no one would find out my room number) I remember someone banging on my room door saying “HI Natasha, I just want boss, please answer please I want Boss” as desperate and funny as that sounded - I actually got SO excited- people were going bonkers for my shades that weren’t available anywhere else but on my website that they would go to that level for lipstick. I secretly loved how much people loved the products. I opened the door and let her in and thanked her for the love and support for my lipsticks, she ended up buying a bunch of lipsticks for her friends and family.
My aunt is obsessed with lipsticks, she does not leave the house without lipstick on her. when she applied this color on her lips, she was in love, to the point that she gets a new one so often and can’t live without this shade. I remember once when she was wearing it, she said she was so in love with it and running out of the shade, she used tweezers to scrape of the remaining shade from the component just so she could get more use of it! That to me sounded like a lipstick addiction I was so proud to share!!
One of the times I had people waiting outside my hotel room to be able to purchase their lipsticks, I had one lady come in with 7 people, one of them being her 10-year-old daughter who told me about how her dream was to purchase her own NM lipstick and so she was saving up to buy it one day. I loved that hustler vibe she had in her and I loved her girly attitude that I told her it was amazing to do that, continue saving up and working hard to get what you want, but also remember to be kind and gave her a lipstick. I chose euphoria for its electrifying pink- I loved that her first lipstick ever was a bright pink one that stands out just like she did. I’m sure she was happy, but little does she know how happy she made me for believing in my product and wanting it so badly that at such a young age she wanted to work for it. She inspired ME!
This one is my grandmother’s (on my mom’s side) favorite shade, the minute she puts this on she shows it off to all her friends and says look it’s my granddaughter’s lipstick, it’s so good. My grandma is one of those women that will never leave the house without make on- especially lipstick. She’s such a direct woman that sometimes she goes up to women and says “Hey you should put some lipstick on, it’ll brighten up your face” she tells ME this all the time (she’s not a fan of the nude shades!) I’ve said this a lot but the best feeling is when you see your family wear your brand because they WANT to and because they suddenly can’t live without it. I love love love this feeling! Just recently, when I landed in the Philippines to see her, the first thing she said when she greeted me was… “Where’s my lipstick?” No hi, hello, how are you… just straight up where’s my lipstick!! if It was any other brand I would have definitely been offended, but because it was mine I just smiled and felt so genuinely content to see her lipstick reach the bottom- she was REALLY using it till she physically couldn’t any more.
This one reminds me of one person in particular, my childhood best friend (I was four months old when she was born and my mom brought me to the hospital to welcome her to this world- were THAT close) she is incredibly picky with her lip colors and no matter how many Natasha moor shades she has in her dresser, she wears this one EVERY day. It’s always with her and it always makes me so happy to see her wearing it. the feeling is beautiful when you know she doesn’t wear it just to make you happy but she wears it because she genuinely loves it. That goes for everyone- my friends and family. I love knowing that they CHOOSE to wear my products, not just for me but for how it makes them feel.
When I first launched this color, it came as a shock to me when women over 50 were captivated by this particular shade, its a deep, dark and edgy shade that I would normally put on someone looking for a rockstar vibe. I loved that when these mature women applied this shade, it brought back the fire of life.
Inevitable wasn’t really created with anyone in mind. It was created as the boldest and deepest silk suede to bring out courage and confidence in someone’s energy. Why did I name it inevitable? I love the meaning - “certain to happen”. It has such a positive vibe to it and I wanted it to be used as an affirmation for when someone applied this shade. Like “YES GIRL! THIS IS INEVITABLE, YOU GOT THIS”. The year 2020 has been pretty wild for us all, to say the least. Day by day there are new struggles and new obstacles to overcome - times but still, HERE WE ARE! Nothing can stop us from being confident, NOTHING can stop us from fulfilling our desires and happiness is CERTAIN TO HAPPEN. That is inevitable. True beauty is indeed inevitable.
One of my dear friends, she is the most brutally honest person I have ever met, so her approval means the WORLD to me. this color was MADE for her. It makes me so proud to say she is absolutely obsessed with this shade that she begged me (begged is an understatement actually… she tortured me in the most adorable way possible) to create this in a liquid matte form so it would never come off her lips!! I was SO touched when I saw she loved the shade so much she regularly purchases it on online… I don’t really know what she does to finish them so quickly but her love for the shade makes me SO HAPPY. shell be happy to know that I created this shade in a molten matte version just for her and it’s going to be called #grateful - the name is pretty self-explanatory, I’m so grateful for the continued love and support.
Legacy is a powerful brown shade that definitely makes a statement, it’s one of those shades that’s professional yet sexy at the same time. Recently, during one of my visits to the US, I stopped over in Miami to celebrate a birthday for a special someone. The 5-star hotel on south beach was incredible, I had a nice big 2-bedroom suite and planned a private dinner with a chef that customized so beautifully. The butler who was supposed to assist me with all the arrangements dropped the ball on a number of issues, so I contacted the head office made my complaint. This lady, was incredibly apologetic and took it upon herself to ensure that everything was according to my initial arrangement (in fact, even better she added her own personal touch that was filled with love) she went out of her way to purchase roses, candles and balloons and then while I was away from the room helped me decorate it so beautifully. I was so touched by this incredible service of hers that I gave her a few shades of lipsticks as a thank you. Her reaction to legacy was so positive that she immediately tried it on and loved it. she was so grateful for the lipsticks- that really made my day.
This one is one of the most beautiful, natural looking pink shades I’ve come across. Creating this shade was really hard as I didn’t want the pink pigments to be too strong, and didn’t want it to wash out the skin either. this is the perfect shade for someone to wear when they are not a fan of too much color, when they love the natural look. i wear this one a lot- and I know it grabs a lot of attention. I always get asked about my lipstick when I wear this one.
I have a habit of giving my lipsticks to people I meet when I travel. Someone I met recently on a plane was a woman in her mid-80’s… extremely glamorous, dressed so elegantly on the plane with so much class and style and struck a conversation with me, I was a little shy in my tracks, eyeglasses and hair in a bun after this being one of my hundreds of flights that month- definitely not the most glamorous state for me, but we spoke quite a bit, I found out a lot about her life and found that she was the ultimate boss babe, she started working at a young age and all the diamonds that she was dripping in was her own hard earned money. She was on her way to Singapore to visit her children for their anniversary party and was so excited to see her grand kids. I thought money maker would be the perfect shade for her, not just because of the name but because the shade was just so perfect for her. She was SO excited and impressed with the brand, fell in love with the fact that it had a mirror and as soon as she swiped it on, she said “How have I never owned something like this before, well done this is amazing I’m so happy, I see you to be very successful and wish you the best” that was such an INSANE moment for me. Getting the recognition and appreciation from someone so successful that has seen ups and downs and has had experienced so much in life is so fulfilling.
This one’s a cheeky one, I remember giving fearless to the lady at the airline check in counters and my luggage was slightly overweight which she waived off for me which was so kind of her. We started making conversation and I commented on the lipstick she was wearing, a bright red, I said how beautiful it was and she told me that it was part of their uniform to wear a red so she had a huge variety of reds. I then handed her powerful- my most popular red lipstick. Not only was she so excited to wear her brand new shade, she was so incredibly amazed that she showed it off to all the staff and then so sweetly decided to upgrade me to first class! Oh the power of a woman with a sexy lipstick!
This shade is very close to my heart. Creating this was beautiful- I remember thinking to myself, I want to create a shade with one of the most important people in my life- my best friend and boyfriend. I clearly remember being in R and D mixing and creating shades with him on video call approving and disapproving shades -and finally, we both fell in love with this subtle coral brown tone. Here’s the story: On one of our first few dates (2nd date I think!!) I took him to an orphanage that I work with in Bali (for my #DoMoor initiatives)- I quickly saw how he fell in love with the kids and how much the kids loved him. Something happened at the orphanage which showed my true emotional colors (so embarrassing!!) it was raining and the kids didn’t have slippers and were walking barefoot. I tried to hold my tears back but couldn’t control it and I guess he caught a glimpse of me tearing. In frustration, I yelled “I’m going to make slippers and give them to the underprivileged all around the world-no matter what” he calmly looked at me with his comforting warm eyes and said- don’t worry, we’ll do this together (YUP- THAT WAS OUR 2nd date!!!!) and that’s how our “happiness project” “SOLE MATES” was born. The silk suede shade Soulmate was created in tandem with our “Sole Mate” initiative where we created slippers to donate. We started this just before Covid hit and were able to work with the Spark-A-Change Foundation in Mumbai. The plan was to do this globally, but unfortunately with the situation in the world this has been put on hold. We can’t wait to resume our goals to bring happiness around the world - one slipper, one lipstick at a time!
This was a very proud/ cool moment for me. Recently while on a trip to New York I was with a few friends out for dinner and we were going to a club/lounge to continue the night. We were 2 women and 2 men and the lady at the door was being incredibly difficult and said they were completely full and that we’d have to be $400 (USD) to enter. That’s $100, no drinks included- nothing! So anyway, we agreed to pay and I started chatting to her as she showed us towards the cashier. I was just being my friendly self and told her about what I was doing in New York and about my brand… she was slowly warming up to me and I saw she was just stressed with how many people were at the door. As a kind gesture I said thank you for your help, this is a lipstick for you… she turned to me and looked at me with so much gratitude in her eyes, as though shed been waiting for someone to be nice to her all day and she just said. “Wait… you don’t have to pay, in fact, here is a round of shots for all of you on me” and walked away. This was even more special cause not was everyone so happy- it was a very empowering feeling for me to tell the men. “don’t worry guys, I sorted this one out, I got us out of it!” I will never forget the look on everyone’s faces.
Respect was inspired by a very special woman in my life, my soulmate’s mother. She deserves a lot of respect for raising the man of my dreams - I am so amazed by the way she has raised both her children with so much love, warmth, kindness and of course so much humor. I see the way her children respect her and the way she carries herself with so much poise and grace, I am constantly in awe by her and have utmost respect for the woman she is. She is the glue that holds everything together and is the one that makes everyone feel safe with her cute little smile. She has also whole heartedly treated me as her child and is someone I go to for advice. it is an absolute honor to dedicate this shade to her.
My mom was actually my main source of inspiration for this shade. Her features are absolutely beautiful and ever since I was a kid I would LOVE the shape of her lips and how naturally pink they are- I would always get mad that I didn’t get that from her! This lip color is the closest to a natural pinky lip that I could create, so of course I had to create it for my mama! It’s also a beautiful soft shade that represents a lot of kindness and warmth- which is the definition of my mom. She’s always there to help people and she’s always so generous. i really do believe that my passion and love for giving back stems from my mom. I remember when I was about 7 or 8, I moved with my mom to the Philippines and I would see these homeless kids all dressed in some of my clothes. While we were driving some of the kids knocked on our car window and said “Hiiiiii ate (aunt) Sweetie how are you (her name is sweetie!!)” she then told me that all the dresses I once wore and grew out of she would give it to all the girls and the smiles on their faces is something I will never forget. I will always treasure what my mom has taught me when it comes to being a good person, those values will always stick by me and will be something I pass on to my future kids. I’m truly grateful for my muse, my mama!
This shade is dedicated to someone who has inspired me in more ways than I can explain. I was introduced to Wendy De Cruz when I just graduated university and was looking for a job. We instantly clicked, I saw her as someone I aspired to be like- hard working, determined, dedicated and full of passion for her work. An incredibly generous and loving mother to her children, compassionate and so willing to help. After a few dinners, I quickly realized that she was more than just a friend and mentor, she was someone I could trust and confide in. Her immense support from when I kickstarted my career as a makeup artist, to when I launched my first ever brand “Facetools” taught me that just because you are a boss babe, doesn’t mean you don’t have a heart. This woman has taught me so much and has been there through my rollercoaster journey. She is the ultimate TITAN and I can’t thank her enough for inspiring me.
Our professional-grade, ethical products are meticulously crafted to embrace all skin types and tones.
We ensure sustainable beauty through recyclable packaging, cruelty-free formulas, ethically sourced ingredients, and green manufacturing practices.
Completely vegan, our cosmetics contain no animal-derived ingredients, ensuring ethical beauty choices. Embrace cruelty-free beauty.
Free from harmful chemicals, our products prioritize your health, offering safe, gentle, and effective beauty solutions you can trust.
Our paraben-free formulas provide safe and gentle care for all skin types. Enjoy high-quality cosmetics without harmful preservatives.
"We embrace everything that makes you uniquely YOU."
- Natasha Moor
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